Fencer Fixer Repair LLC
25021 Ridge Rd.
Excelsior Springs, MO 64024
Operating Hours
Central Standard Time
MONDAY - FRIDAY: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
SUNDAY: Closed
Get Your Older Units Repaired & Save Money. Just Because A Unit Is Old Doesn't Mean It's Junk!
An Independent Mom & Pop Shop
Call or Text us or use WhatsApp if not in North America
Available Every Day, Weekends, All Holidays
Fencer Fixer
25021 Ridge Rd.
Excelsior Springs, MO 64024
We Are Also Now On Rumble, Follow & Subscribe To Us Over There!

Free Estimates - 18 Month Repair Warranties, Lightning Damage IS Included - ALL BRANDS of ALL AGES, even things built 50+ years ago.
We are an authorize repair center for ALL brands, old style and new.
Our other site for cattle and livestock weigh scale & load bar repairs. Gallagher & Tru-Test Livestock weigh scales, load bars, & EID ear tag readers
Email: CattleScaleRepair@gmail.com
Operating Hours
Central Standard Time
MONDAY - FRIDAY: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
SUNDAY: Closed
25021 Ridge Rd.
Excelsior Springs, MO 64024
Call, Text, or use WhatsApp at 816-974-6252
If we don't answer, please leave us a message and/or email us at
About Us
We started doing repairs on electric fencers, fence chargers, and fence energizers for neighbors and friends 20 years ago. It was just a fun hobby that started spreading like a wild fire. So that's when we decided to turn it into a business to try and help out other people around the United States and elsewhere, and that's how Fencer Fixer Repair LLC was born.
Since then, we've expanded into the cattle livestock weigh scale repair, cattle livestock load bar repair, and cattle livestock EID tag reader repair as well. We have also helped with other agriculture electronic repairs as well.
We live in a small town outside of Kansas City Missouri and own a small chicken & turkey farm. We have those great mid west values at heart and we put those same values into the agriculture electronic repairs that we do. We treat people honest and fairly. We aren't here to make a bunch of money, but to help you save a bunch money.